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     M a r t i a l    A r t s

Welcome to our martial arts page where you can read more about different martial arts styles, their brief history and philosophy. You can also join our Martial Arts Forum to discuss more about martial arts.


China's main martial arts style - commonly known as Kung Fu - mainly evolved in the monasteries such as the famous Shaolin or Wudang monasteries. Originally developed by monks to defend their homes later spread outside the walls while many other styles developed...


The birth place of Karate is the island of Okinawa. As the largest of the Ryuku islands Okinawa has always been influenced by the surrounding countries, particularly China and Japan. While Karate developed in its unique ways on the island, it was influenced by other countries...


Thailand's most popular combative art is Muay Thai - also known as Thai boxing - became a widely practiced sport around the world. The origin of Muay Thai roots in the war times of Thailand where it was practiced by the warriors as a military art...


With its long history Japan has developed a wide array or martial art styles, from different weapon usage to a variety of hand to hand combative and defensive arts. With the import of modern weapons many of these arts became part of self defense...


In Korea where the martial arts were first use as military art by warriors defending their land or engaging other war lords to gain land. The characteristics of Korean martial arts are generally higy kicks that are often mixed with jumping kicks...


A variety of terms are used for the English phrases “Indian martial arts”, usually deriving from Sanskrit or Dravidian sources. While they may seem to imply specific disciplines, by Classical times they were used generically for all fighting systems...


On the Philippine islands several different yet basically similar martial art styles have developed placing emphasis on weapon usage, particarly the short sticks and short knives. Unique to most of the Filipino arts are the low stands, kneeling or ground fighting...


Burmese martial arts developed centuries ago and the fighting systems collectively are referred to as 'thaing'. Bando is one of the most well knonw but often mistakenly used as a generic word for all Burmese martial arts, however Burmese martial arts consist different stlyes...


One of Brazil's oldest martial arts called Capoeira dates back to the times when slaves from Africa were brought to the country. Capoeira is believed to derived from the combative techniques of these people. Along with it the Brazilian version of Jiu Jitsu has claimed popularity especially through the modern MMA cage fightings...


Originally promoted as a competition to find the most effective martial arts for real unarmed combat, competitors from different fighting styles were pitted against one another in contests with relatively few rules. Later, individual fighters employed multiple martial arts into their style...


As an addition to our martial arts pages we also include a section about trational healing as these were often part of the skills many masters and used in ancient times. Acupuncture, herbal medicine and other traditional natural healing methods are introduced and discussed here...